martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

The little frog (:

Once upon a time there was family of frogs; the mother frog lays her eggs on the leaves of a very nice pond. One night there was a heavy rain where the eggs were. It was so strong that one of them went away from the others and the strong flow of the river carried him far to the edge of a hutch, where there was a rabbit called Pinina.

The next morning, Pinina found the egg in the doorway of her house and without hesitation, she took him inside and she helped him; she was kind. The frog was growing with all the love of his mother and his brothers (although sometimes they looked him strange because he was different). She taught him good things like to respect and love others.

One day, while he was playing with his brothers with a ball, he kicked hard it and the ball rolled into the dark forest, all the kids blamed him, he felt very sad and he decided to find the ball. So, he escaped from his small village.
On the way an evil fox saw him .The fox hasn´t eaten for weeks, the fox made a plan…. He asked what was happening and the frog told him everything that happened, the fox told him that he knew where his real parents the frog believed the fox, and he followed him. The fox tricked him toward the dark forest where he tried to eat the frog, but he ran away and fell into a hole where he began to mourn.
Suddenly the fairy forest with some pretty fireflies rescued the frog.
The fairy made the frog decide between staying with his family of rabbits or go where his real family was. The frog was confused, he started to remember all the good times with rabbits and he decided to return with mom rabbit because she helped and taught him a lot of good things.

Message: Everyone should appreciate all that surrounds us from the smallest in the world, because there are worse situations than yours and we should be grateful to live each day, because you never know when you can lose it.


lunes, 22 de marzo de 2010

Dave: The Panda

Once upon a time there was a panda his name was Dave

Who was bullied by all his companions because he was slow and stupid. Noone invited him to parties.

When he finishes school Dave continued studying and enter to college

One day one of his bulliers went to a job interview. Where the Panda was his boss but Panda accepted his apologize

*Never discriminate people
because someday you may
need them……


*JersOn Salas


Somewhere in the world there is a city which has big hectare and the best raising of race horses nobody has never seen.
There is more horses than habitans and the few habitans work as horse raise so the best of them was Fausto who had the best horse called Tornado. It was waiting his fourth Son`s birth which will be his successor.
When its son was born everybody were going to see him but they were surprised because its successor was ugly and had short legs while everybody was looking at him his father Thought and it said:
It had to leave us . Fausto decided to get away for us.

The Little animal was alone , hungry and spended many cold nights.
It walked from one place to another. when it was crying nobody wanted to help and when it was sick a good man appeared to and said: who did you leave here, I will care of you

The owner took care so much that it got better very fast. And then the horse made new two friends: a bull and a hen.
After a year the owner said: ¨you´re a beautiful horse and you are growing up quickly. Those legs that i saw one day when i found you are larger now. I thought you were a great runner and didnt fall.
After that the horse said: ¨I am a loser and i cant run¨.
One day the horse´s friend made a joke and it went to the horse and told him: ¨did you hear the owner?. He didn´t have money to feed us and i heard too that he didn´t want return here because he felt terrible. You must to do something please. Now he should be at the market and he is so far to me that if I go the people could kill me.
Then the horse ran behind its owner.
While the horse ran it remenbers all the moments with its owner and without notice it was running as the wind.

The horse took its owner and put him on its back to

take him at home so the poor man could notice
the horse‘s skills.
after the horse ran a lot, the animal notice that the animal could run very faster. the horse ran very fast that the man felt to fly and touch the sky.
the bull and the hen was waiting in the door and they was surprised because the horse ran such as the wind
The bull always know that the horse could run Faster. Now the horse was decided to run to help him for the rest of its days.

After a months , everybody believe that the horse should participate in a race. Then he won many races and finally h e had to compite with its brother to be the new king.
As we know, the horse won the competition and he was crowned as the new king
Alter this days the horse, the bull , the hen and the poor man lived happily.




viernes, 26 de febrero de 2010



The park of wall was built by Viceroy Melchor de Navarra between 1684 and 1687 because he took in consideration the situation in Peru and we had to protect of the attacks from pirates. It was a warning system to escape the president because it was connected with the government palace. Some sections of the walls of Lima can still be seen today. Part of the wall has been restored at the back of the Church of San Francisco, In this park it is possible to observe remains of the wall's foundations


Voce disco was devised to bring the people fun on weekend. Leaving the monotone night live of Lima.

It has the best installations in Lima because has a warning system on a hazard and the best technologic in lights and sound.
Also it has variety in the concerts and shows because if you want to have salsa, cumbia, reggeton music so you should go voce disco.

The park of the friendship

It is located in Surco. It’s one of the representative park of Lima because there are many differences of the others parks.
It has a little train station that function in the same park.

This park is very especially because you can find a replica of the mosaic arch
Also it has a lake and at night you can spend a romantic moment because it has an amazing lighting in the entire park.


It is the best beach because you can practice different sport like a surfing and snowboarding.
Also it is known as Port of dreams because there are myths and legends about love.
If you want to camping here is perfect because it’s safe.
Another option is walk for the spring because it has 400 meters long.
If you can find it is located in Kilometer 132 of the Panamerican South.


It is the best mall in Lima because you can fin different store and place too relaxing. Also at night you will see the sunset and it is very perfect to take photos with you family or your girlfriend or boyfriend.
It is located in Miraflores. Maybe if you have a date and you wish to spend romantic moment I recommend visit this place.


jueves, 25 de febrero de 2010


In Lima there is never downtime for the traveler, you definitely use the time constructively. Because there are many corners to meet and discover that there is a perception that the hour "is flying past," as would say a Peruvian. So when you visit the City of Kings, try to make the most of your time to travel around this five hot spots.


Larcomar more than a mall on a cliff is a hub of entertainment with restaurants, bars and shops. This mall is located in the Miraflores district which always is overrun with tourists. Besides shops and restaurants, delivery culture through its theaters, exhibition and shows, with extraordinary views of the Pacific Ocean.


Palomino Islands, from the docks of Callao and La Punta and after a boat trip of 4 hours it comes to these two islands. The first has a large amount of wildlife, among which the sea lions and the second is known as the Hospital because its sea lions take sheltering there, when they are ill or old. This is a good option if you love to wonder off the beaten path.


The Magic Circuit of Water, located in the Historic Park Reserve of Lima is the largest fountain complex in the world in a public park. This is an extraordinary urban ensemble which combines the restoration of a National Heritage with the installation of a new tourist attraction.


This neighborhood is very picturesque, with huge old houses, a beautiful church, which retain a sense of romance, the perfect place for a bachelor who is in search for his soulmate.

By day can be a pleasant walk, to take good pictures and buy fine crafts. There are also many beautiful places where to taste typical food of Peru and Creole delicacies.


Gotica is a well known nightclub and especially its location (the fifth level of the mall Larcomar). Wherever you are located only asks the taxi to take you to Larcomar and being there you'll be practically at the disco. The cost of tickets is a bit expensive but have into consideration that it is one of the best places where you can have fun safely.