martes, 23 de marzo de 2010

The little frog (:

Once upon a time there was family of frogs; the mother frog lays her eggs on the leaves of a very nice pond. One night there was a heavy rain where the eggs were. It was so strong that one of them went away from the others and the strong flow of the river carried him far to the edge of a hutch, where there was a rabbit called Pinina.

The next morning, Pinina found the egg in the doorway of her house and without hesitation, she took him inside and she helped him; she was kind. The frog was growing with all the love of his mother and his brothers (although sometimes they looked him strange because he was different). She taught him good things like to respect and love others.

One day, while he was playing with his brothers with a ball, he kicked hard it and the ball rolled into the dark forest, all the kids blamed him, he felt very sad and he decided to find the ball. So, he escaped from his small village.
On the way an evil fox saw him .The fox hasn´t eaten for weeks, the fox made a plan…. He asked what was happening and the frog told him everything that happened, the fox told him that he knew where his real parents the frog believed the fox, and he followed him. The fox tricked him toward the dark forest where he tried to eat the frog, but he ran away and fell into a hole where he began to mourn.
Suddenly the fairy forest with some pretty fireflies rescued the frog.
The fairy made the frog decide between staying with his family of rabbits or go where his real family was. The frog was confused, he started to remember all the good times with rabbits and he decided to return with mom rabbit because she helped and taught him a lot of good things.

Message: Everyone should appreciate all that surrounds us from the smallest in the world, because there are worse situations than yours and we should be grateful to live each day, because you never know when you can lose it.


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